Doki Doki Sir
18Friends 1Fans
Westminster, Great Britain (UK)
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 8
Holy shit garbagebug Raffles is so beautiful and SO VERY GAY I love you a lot thank you for enabling me to continue appreciating homoerotic Victorian partnerships and crime
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 2
I wish I could honestly tell you I hadn't stayed up all night because I rediscovered Aywas
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 3
I did a cosplay post thing and geothebio reblogged it and now it's got 50+ notes but when people visit my blog they're greeted by Bismarck in a bikini
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 3
An election happened and now I'm Assistant Producer...?
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 1
Official Name Change! Formerly Jarfish
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 4
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 12
[Politics] Why does nobody realise voting UKIP is a bad decision?
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 5
more Hobbes more Hobbes moRE HOBBES
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 1
Today I get to see Iron Man 3 again!!!
Doki Doki Sir
11 years ago 3
Anyone who was ever in the Hetalia fandom, can you remember a Prussia fanmix with the Blitzkrieg Bop on? And some Rammstein?