10Friends 16Fans
male London, Great Britain (UK)
r_c says
14 years ago
A little dance round the sofa to Neuromancer – Pennywise (Mickey Finn & Bay B Kane “2 Twisted” Mix) ping.fm/qUYy8
r_c says
14 years ago
Some good chats on Skype and good catch up with rosemontjd, time to clean up, coffee and then some house work
r_c says
14 years ago
Some interesting links to videos from bloodybigspider: ping.fm/4XfaS
r_c says
14 years ago
Going through these pictures from 2003/4 makes you realise how far Nokia has slipped from the mainstream UK consumer: ping.fm/Hm5uX
r_c says
14 years ago
Wondering whether the Nokia N900 will become a collectors item? Hoping that other people bring out MeeGo devices as not inspired by WP7
r_c says
14 years ago
Using the Pingboard OSX widget to push content through Ping.fm, pretty darned useful
r_c says
14 years ago
Up and about with a lazy breakfast. Logged into Yahoo! Pulse for the first time in months. It's like a better Friendfeed w/ blog platform
r_c says
14 years ago
Amazed watching Videodrome again for the first time in years. Some ways very dated, other ways (Reality TV, social web) profoundly modern
r_c says
14 years ago
Good day of reading, some hard graft to be done on housework tomorrow, getting an early night to get ahead on things in morning
r_c says
14 years ago
Having a digi-lite evening logging off now for book reading and a DVD