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female Quezon City, Philippines
Someone who just like to share some quotes and jokes to other people. :]
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago
"If you can't get someone off your mind, it's maybe because he/she is supposed to be there."
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago 1
The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but, on how happy others can be because of YOU. :-)
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago
A sense of purpose is the best driving force to live because when you have a reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit.
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago
"Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them."
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago 1
Cherish things while you still have them. The hardest thing in life is regret.
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago
Sometimes we get too possessive with something or someone we don't even own. It's a side-effect of loving too much and receiving too little.
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago
"Don't allow experience to harden your heart; rather use it to become more aware and sensitive."
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago
Sometimes, people choose to leave. Not because they of selfish reasons, but they just know that things will get worse if they stay.
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago
Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that some people are going to stay in your heart forever, even if you aren't in theirs.
quotesandjokes says
15 years ago
When you're in pain, don't fight it. You'll just get exhausted. One advice: Feel the pain, until it hurts no more.