198Friends 79Fans
female Hoboken, NJ, United States
I'm proud to be the Queen of everything... I love my kids and my friends and am tickled to be Plurking
13 years ago 5
Just had leftovers from dinner out last night. Prime rib isn't as good the second day.
14 years ago 5
Happy St. Patricks Day! Hope your Day is wonderful!
14 years ago 4
Just had a wonderfully healthy meal... eggplant parm (light on the cheese) a huge salad with mushrooms and zucchini)
14 years ago 5
I am so happy to be home from work..it is freezing out there. I am going to snuggle in under a blanket and watch movies...
14 years ago 5
I just had to share... I slept last night.. all night!!! This is such a good thing!
14 years ago 24
ok as always... I found out my ex got the "young"one pregnant and now they are getting married
14 years ago 7
I'm going to actually sit and read for a while this morning. I have not treated myself to that in a while.
14 years ago 8
I have been going through tons of boxes that I moved out of my ex home... So many clothes that I would love to donate.
14 years ago 6
It's time to think of somewhere to move... I can go anywhere in the world and do anything... I just don't want to leave my kids...
14 years ago 6
Wow cant sleep again... whats up with this?