42Friends 13Fans
female Depok, Indonesia
FB : 'qfthy' dalila nurqifthiyyah
MSN : [email protected]
EMAIL : [email protected]
twit : qifthi

nice to know you :-)
15 years ago
hbs ketawa2 langsung mellow gni gak lucu bgt moodnya (annoyed)
qifthi says
15 years ago
ternyata masih jauh dibawah target :-( gimana dooong ah ? (unsure)
15 years ago
pengen cepet2 nonton sm si bebeb dan si uliel :-))
qifthi likes
15 years ago
a song; when you love someone - endah & rhesa
qifthi says
15 years ago
a women should keep their words and their behavior :-)
qifthi hopes
15 years ago
indah pada waktunya :-))
qifthi says
15 years ago
cm ngucapin lwt sms aja nh airmata netes aplg ngomong lngsng, yg ada banjir (tears)
15 years ago
libur malah ujan, matilampu, sendirian pula ckck (annoyed) udah tidur aja deh ah sampe besok :-)
qifthi feels
15 years ago
confused what i will give to my mom tommorow (thinking)
qifthi needs
15 years ago
a friend to share with me but they never know about that .