19Friends 19Fans
female Paris, France
Mama. Tea house owner. Baker. Photographer. Knitter. Friend. Dork.

There's never enough coffee....
16 years ago 1
*tap* *tap* is this thing still on?
putyourflareon has
16 years ago
to stop plurkini now and work. Later all!
putyourflareon is
16 years ago
sending sarahwg lots of cookies and milk vibes. Feel better soon!
putyourflareon is
16 years ago
drinking a coke and eating a cherry. Reminds me me cherry coke slushees i used to make after tennis practice in HS.
putyourflareon has
16 years ago
an achey back.
putyourflareon is
16 years ago
grateful for her loving husband who stayed to work at the tea house and sent me home to rest.
putyourflareon is
16 years ago
peanut butter and granny smith apples.
16 years ago 3
started to watch Superbad and was midly entertained. Got interrupted and did not finish the movie. Is it worth finishing?
putyourflareon wishes
16 years ago
she could sleep for 15 hours straight.
putyourflareon is
16 years ago
so damn tired. I need a vacation bad.