Rand Travis
6Friends 79Fans
male Philippines
"Before one can have shit taste, one must first have no taste." -Gigguk
Rand Travis
4 years ago
Day 9 of lockdown. Still ok.
Rand Travis
4 years ago
Day 4 of lockdown. Still ok here.
Rand Travis
4 years ago
Really sneaky, US government, on doing this right in the middle of the pandemic. The EARN IT Bill Is the Government’s Plan to Scan Ev...
Rand Travis
4 years ago
Day 3 of lockdown. Still ok.
Rand Travis
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
Day 2 lockdown. No symptoms on any of us.
Rand Travis
4 years ago
Workstation remote access all setup... It's gonna be a looooong 4 weeks.