36Friends 37Fans
female Ventura, CA, United States
prunella says
14 years ago
An explanation of atheism. YouTube "Lack of belief in gods" via almightygod
prunella says
14 years ago
RT brainpicker: Brilliant! If IKEA made instructions for everything
prunella says
14 years ago
Leaving the flat in SF without my phone is still a bit like jumping without a net.
prunella says
14 years ago
There seems to be a distinct positive correlation between a cafe's hipitued & the potential for crap wifi. #sf
prunella says
14 years ago
Web Designers vs. Web Developers
prunella says
14 years ago
I wonder how this man sleeps at night—George W. Bush Failed to Stop Another Flawed Texas Execution
prunella says
14 years ago
From an April article: an interesting perspective on the ubiquitous 'Yelp'—Cry for Yelp (SF Weekly)
prunella says
14 years ago 1
Why does the smelliest guy in the joint always sit next to me? #perilsofhavingabigschnoz
prunella says
14 years ago
Sigh: Sarah Palin ‘Favorites’ Obama Jesus-Blood Church Sign Photo
prunella says
14 years ago
The 100 Best Signs At The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear: Pics, Videos, Links, News