15Friends 4Fans
Pasadena, CA, United States
There is always hope,
and the strongest and the bravest
will always keep it close to them.
For if you surrender hope,
then love was right to leave you.
12 years ago 7
real life } One of my contacts ripped last night, and I don't have another one. Focusing my eyes is annoyingly awkward right now.
12 years ago
I have had Le Disko stuck in my head for over a day now. It's getting to be kind of annoying.
12 years ago
Express has purple pinstripe pants. Waaaant.
12 years ago 8
[halp] Okaay gaiz. I need advice on the name for Mio's RP account when I move it to Dreamwidth. Help me choose?
12 years ago 5
So, I decided to take a tour of Chapman University's film school kind of on a whim today. I'm seriously considering transferring.
12 years ago 8
[meme] For my characters: 25.media.tumblr.com/tumb...
12 years ago 5
[meme] heritage
12 years ago
Dear Mio T. Stop being so damn hard to find songs for, pretty please? Love, San.
12 years ago 1
real life } I was checking the weather for my trip tomorrow, and they are forecasting it to be in the 70s in LA next week (woot)
12 years ago 2
oh god driving in snow is terrifying. Curling up in my room forever nao.