632Friends 277Fans
female mkt, Philippines
tbh idc
13 years ago 3
Love is a serious matter. Once you're involved, it's not easy to get out, unless you're not serious about it.
13 years ago 3
If you need someone on this Earth to save your life, that person is yourself. Don't wait others to change you!
13 years ago 3
Do not seek God because you need an answer. Seek Him because you know that He's the answer that you need.
13 years ago 3
Don't let your happiness depend on other people. They can't be guaranteed. If you let them do, they can play your feeling.
13 years ago 3
The saddest people are those who have everything but can’t share it with anyone. Sharing is beautiful.
13 years ago 3
It’s just something that happens as we age up, we realize that it’s not important to have friends, what’s important is to have REAL ones.
13 years ago 3
13 years ago 2
Ang mga mahilig MAGPARINIG ay ang mga taong may baril na magaling lang kumasa, Pero hindi marunong tumira ng direkta! ✔ /SAPUL
13 years ago 2
I'm weak . . . . . . when it comes to you. :-)
13 years ago 2
Boy: Pwede ba manligaw? Girl: HINDI. BOY: Ano yun tayo kagad? Paraparaan.