19Friends 23Fans
female Gravesend, Great Britain (UK)
prettyinpink says
15 years ago 8
yay! I got a Drs appoinment, for this morning! (dance)
prettyinpink says
15 years ago 4
joeycat is looking after me, as I have a very owie ear (sick) (cozy)
prettyinpink says
15 years ago 2
Goodnight to her Plurker friends
prettyinpink is
15 years ago 2
waiting for UKStevieB to finish heating up the baked beans and veggie sausages (: (hungry)
prettyinpink is
15 years ago 2
going to bed now x x x x x x x
prettyinpink feels
15 years ago 2
she has had a terrible week, and hopes a nice quiet weekend will heal some of the argh!!!
prettyinpink says
15 years ago 2
love you all, but not so much myself at the moment :'-(
prettyinpink says
15 years ago 1
bit better today thank goodness, still snuggled up in bed nice and early with joeycat (sleeping)
prettyinpink says
15 years ago 2
my day was rubbish, I had a sleep after dinner and on further reflection my day was really rubbish, now I'm going to bed, goodnight (tears)
prettyinpink says
15 years ago 1
Goodnight! (sleeping)