18Friends 20Fans
male Smallville, Philippines
day dreamer . paid hacker
couch potato . heavy sleeper
online gamer . chef wannabe
drummer . rock star
joell says
15 years ago 4
wat happened tO my karma pOints?
joell says
15 years ago 3
anOther heart calls (heart)
joell says
15 years ago 1
karma dOwn bOoO!!!
joell says
15 years ago
frOm under the cOrk tree
joell says
15 years ago 4
just had a nice massage (LOL)
joell says
15 years ago
i wanna thank yOu fOr making a part of my merry gO arOund
joell says
15 years ago 2
its like trying tO turn arOund in a one way street, i cant give yOu what yOu want and its killing me
15 years ago
its like one step fOrward and twO steps back, nO matter what i dO yOur always mad.
15 years ago
yup' cgurO nga!
15 years ago 2
tnx' tnx' fOr the gOodluck hOpe tO see u sOon (cozy)