bell Z
28Friends 21Fans
female currently in, NY, United States
bell Z hates
15 years ago
bell Z
15 years ago
movie soundtracks.
bell Z
15 years ago
bell Z
15 years ago
i got soaked! it went from a lil to a hailstorm like thing in minutes
bell Z
15 years ago
people annoy me.
bell Z
15 years ago
school books all over the place... i have so many papers to finish..err start (unsure)
bell Z
15 years ago 5
so for like 5min i fought w/ my closet. it wouldnt close. i lookd around & was no problems... pushd & pushd.. then realized a hang
bell Z
15 years ago
yeahhhh... i wanna punch a waterfall. *nods head* sounds about right.
bell Z
15 years ago