2Friends 0Fans
female San Ramon, CA, United States
Disneyland CA Adventure.
poplar_10 says
12 years ago 1
每次辛苦三菜一湯老的說謝謝,每次偷懶弄炒飯,兒子是既抱抱又親親的說,"媽媽~~~" 老的真現實...
poplar_10 says
12 years ago 17
:-( 躲到這來發發勞騷上次為了林志玲已經被叮的滿頭包(只是說林志玲是美女嗎?對我而言美女除了五官端正還加上靈氣或是一些氣質什麼的) 不講又難過:又來了又說馬英九太帥了他那裡帥? 從十幾年前就一直聽, 聽到現在.帥是除了五官端正還加上靈氣或是一些氣質什麼的,而且他也這麼老了還帥?
poplar_10 shares
12 years ago 2
crazy hair perm :-P
poplar_10 says
12 years ago
this guy sitting close by smells like cigarettes:-&
poplar_10 feels
12 years ago
with just piano lesson back, I'm running around like a worker bee (sleeping)
poplar_10 shares
12 years ago 1
"exploded underpants"
poplar_10 feels
12 years ago 1
weather is gettin cold..waiting 1 hour by the pool is getting harder....
poplar_10 says
12 years ago
sitting here waiting for the next class of kids