124Friends 56Fans
male Tangerang, Indonesia
faris naufal rahman. undergraduate student of ITB. enjoys making lyrics and singing in the shower. currently working as a full-time vocalist screaming on high G and D. and is now focusing on a band project called The Hero Suicidal Show.
popeng says
15 years ago
kedai koboi feat. uki sesampainya di bandung! (hungry)
popeng says
15 years ago 2
vote for distorted instrument and heartstabbing lyrics kalo gw nadhka..
15 years ago 14
pilih mana? SCATT atau SCREAM??
popeng is
15 years ago 11
listening to Paramore's new album (music)
popeng says
15 years ago 7
bah. gaya gesek kenapa pake tanda minus??? (thinking)
popeng says
15 years ago 3
oke. perhatian beralih menuju tendencies karena duit ternyata ga mencukupi buat beli macbeth. apakah tendencies sale?
popeng asks
15 years ago 12
kapan macbeth sale? ada yg tau kasi tau gw dong...
popeng shares
15 years ago 1
AzzateBlog - Koreano prova a cantare Touch my Body ni lebih taik lagi. haha
popeng shares
15 years ago 7
AzzateBlog - Indonesiano prova cantare Numb (ENUM) dei Linkin Park
popeng says
15 years ago 21
WTF!! ternyata gw dan Aldi saudara! tadi ketemu di rumah ua gw!! (woot)