13Friends 11Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
ThInK PoSiTiVe Is ThE bEsT tHiNg To Do XD
SoMeTiMeZ iTz BeTtEr JuSt To LeT gO~
AlWaYz MaKe LiFe EaSiEr
DoN't FoRgEt To SmIlE ^o^
TaKe IT As It CoMeZ~ FIGHTING \\>O<//
ponpink is
15 years ago 10
ponpink will
15 years ago
睡覺 for now... only have 4個小時 to sleep =o=
ponpink shares
15 years ago
(你是什麼血型?? so interesting ^^) www.wretch.cc/blog/Amora...
ponpink feels
15 years ago 4
time move fast...
ponpink wishes
15 years ago 4
everyone a gnite sleep^^
ponpink needs
15 years ago
a nice foot massage after the shift =o=
ponpink needs
15 years ago
to get her ass up and go to work for 8 hrs (again) =O= 實習 Go Go!!!
ponpink thinks
15 years ago
the relationship wouldn't work that way~
ponpink hopes
15 years ago 7
one of the patient will be in peace :'-(
ponpink is
15 years ago 7
going back to 實習 again... 而且今天要一直做到晚上11點 (哭)~