145Friends 8Fans
female World of Warcraft
Just another dorkball on the internet.
[INTRO] Haven't done one of these in a while. Hello. I am Taco. I have a couple of new people and there has been some shit going down, so new intro!

I am a retail hell worker at Sam's Club, doing curbside pickup.
https://images.plurk.com/5TkQxN5eFDM9RcsqbwkEyB.jpg What is this Blasphemy in my Sam's Club
/shamelessly steals

2 months ago 13 @Edit 2 months ago
New wallpaper for the desktop. https://images.plurk.com/2Md6IvQylcp1ddIQmlTROM.jpg

CW: Mentions of family death and cancer
[Lungs] Got another inhaler added on to my other inhaler and the shit just wrecks my throat and voice, but I can breathe.
[Vidya] Fuuuuuuuuck Of course the DA games go on sale when I am broke af.
[Lungs] Waiting on the Lung doc.
[Help] Asking for help again. This time for our water bill. We had a pipe that burst, causing our water bill to skyrocket for the past couple of months. I have kind of worked things out with the city to keep from getting shut off, but I need some help with the initial payment.
https://images.plurk.com/1OTapGpsvEgpwKD3ElWyNa.png Pan seared pork chop, buttered corn and mashed potatoes tonight by request of the sister
I exist again