62Friends 53Fans
male London, Great Britain (UK)
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plurkerati says
16 years ago 3
I just uploaded a new version of Plurkerati. No new feature (yet), but I streamlined a lot of things, and added 'info' page.
plurkerati is
16 years ago
working on some new stuffs
plurkerati shares
16 years ago 1
New Stats: by Location. The sidebar on the right.
plurkerati shares
16 years ago
I added new Filters on the Plurker Search. You can now search by Karma, Gender and Age :-)
plurkerati shares
16 years ago 4
New Feature: Clicking 'more' link on individual Plurk will take you to the Plurk page where you can auto-update responses and post response.
plurkerati shares
16 years ago
New feature: You can check responses on each Plurk by clicking on the 'responses' link (of individual Plurk)
plurkerati shares
16 years ago
Added Tracking #number_of_plurkers line on the Header of each page.
plurkerati shares
16 years ago
New layout for Top100 stats to prepare for a bigger one.
plurkerati shares
16 years ago 7
New stats: Plurkers by country :-))
plurkerati shares
16 years ago 5
Plurkerati New Feature: You can now search for Plurk User that 'you' area fan of. Find out who's been rejecting you.