53Friends 17Fans
female Salt Lake City, UT, United States
National Board Certified Teacher
6th Grade eMINTS classroom
pjteacher says
13 years ago 3
good night all!
pjteacher says
13 years ago
ready for a weekend
pjteacher says
13 years ago
Procession of Species activity finally over - kids, DO employees, and parents thrilled; staff thrilled it went well, but glad to be done
pjteacher says
13 years ago
little sleep, huge school activity today, conflicting activities tonight. . . bed sounds better and better!
pjteacher says
13 years ago 4
just realized observing in my room is part of principal training session next Tues. day AFTER Halloween, with 6th graders- I need luck
pjteacher says
13 years ago 2
cooking relieves my stress - hence tonight's homemade buttermilk donuts
pjteacher says
13 years ago 2
laptop refused to work at school - 5 months old and the "wonderful, new PC" has a bad hard drive. Hmmmmmm
pjteacher says
13 years ago 4
hello Monday - here's to a tremendous week!!!
pjteacher says
13 years ago
night all
pjteacher says
13 years ago 4
Good morning! Hope to shake this crud before tomorrow's work week