[Belated Halloween] Gabi was very pleased by his first Halloween and stopped when they ran into those giant animated Costco witches (his natural enemy). His cousin also called it quits there tho lol. Also we had about 50 ppl according to Max and the kids were delighted getting full chocolate bars.
[RL, Me] Oh I forgot to mention that I am taking a Neuropsychological Evaluation because the local university offers it at a heavily discounted price, if you don't mind students administrating it.
[Pokemon, Gamefreak] FYI be careful if you avoid spoilers, an employee was unfortunately phished and 1 TERRABYTE of information was stolen from gamefreak
[RL, Depressing] Gabi has started hitting, biting, slamming and hitting the doors, ignoring what we tell him. I'm at my wit's end with both gentle and time outs and disipline, so any advice you have would be great.