40Friends 29Fans
female Bekasi, Indonesia
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pitera says
9 years ago
pensss ngepenssssssssss
pitera says
9 years ago
The last is... I'm thankful to God for letting me meet each one of you in my life. :-)
pitera says
9 years ago
I sincerely thank you guys for listening to what I want to say, for accepting myself as I am, for giving me courage and strength when I don't know what to do.
For all the things you've done, thank you.
pitera says
9 years ago
I'm sorry for the things that I did, and the things I didn't do. For all the lame jokes, irresponsible actions. For all the situations that could've been better if I haven't been this or that way.
pitera says
9 years ago
But as we now we're comfortable enough with each other we can't even stop talking. it's sad that now I'm counting down the remaining days we'll be together.
pitera says
9 years ago
It has been a year. Time went by so fast that I can't catch up. That was a time when we were so awkward that silence creeping in between us.
pitera says
9 years ago
now that no one to be found you finally realize I'm alive.
pitera says
9 years ago
you apologized to make you feel better about yourself. you must be feel so horrible because I caught you right in time.
pitera says
9 years ago
why do you even bother to apologize when it doesn't even matter to me?
pitera says
9 years ago
don't discuss about someone else when you're talking to me. talk about you, about me, about us. I don't care what anyone else's been doing it's not my bussiness.