62Friends 83Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
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♥Time to let go.♥
reia'rei says
15 years ago
Karma down.down.down.
reia'rei says
15 years ago
been to johziua's place w/ charnegrete,staarr,riribadong,khrystar, Porcia, Apa, Joel, Ma'am Winna, and Batasan HS Stu. :-)
reia'rei is
15 years ago
sleepy. zzzzz.
reia'rei says
15 years ago
True courage is pursuing your dream, even when everyone else says it's impossible.- Barbie and the 3 Musketeers. :-) Done watching it. :-)
reia'rei says
15 years ago
be back later, Will now watch Barbie and the Three Musketeers, :-D
reia'rei says
15 years ago
and I'm not your princess. This ain't a fairy tale. (music)
reia'rei says
15 years ago
Never say goodbye, 'cause goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting. - Peter Pan. :-)
reia'rei says
15 years ago
I don't feel like reading again. I've been reading since yesterday. Magtutumblring na lang ako. hehe.Follow me at :-)
reia'rei is
15 years ago
spending an unproductive afternoon. I hope ate Joy would be home any minute now, so we could go to SM or anywhere. :-&
reia'rei says
15 years ago
just had my breakfast/lunch. 'Cause I woke up late. hayyyyy.