56Friends 33Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Phantasy says
12 years ago
我在 紅豆食府(高雄大立店) :With Daddy, Mummy, and Grand-Pa.
Phantasy says
12 years ago 1
我在 鬥牛士 精緻卡門碳烤牛排 :with daddy and mummy
Phantasy says
12 years ago
Phantasy says
12 years ago
我在 統一星巴克 興南門市(Starbucks) :炎熱的天氣,大家都懶懶的...
Phantasy says
12 years ago
我在 麥當勞(台北光復店) :入手無嘴貓一隻
Phantasy says
12 years ago
Phantasy says
12 years ago
Phantasy says
12 years ago