21Friends 24Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
So, this thing still works??
pghrugbyangel says
15 years ago 4
it's official. Last shift @ My Living Room is April 4th. Spread the word, I guess...
pghrugbyangel says
16 years ago
I did accomplish something tonight... the Teaspoon Quilt took a big step towards being finished soon!!
16 years ago 2
I cannot handle this stress, nor the people who created it. Someone may die tomorrow via sledge hammer or drill. Just sayin'
pghrugbyangel is
16 years ago 7
confused. If I sent an email saying a team paid via paypal, and you get a check from the same University, wouldn't you question it?
pghrugbyangel thinks
16 years ago
I know it's almost Thursday, but can it be next week now? Or June? Either one...
pghrugbyangel hates
16 years ago
people who promise to call and don't. especially when it involves my ability to pay my bills & live.
pghrugbyangel says
16 years ago 3
as if my evening wasn't bad enough, wordpress is being evil too.
pghrugbyangel says
16 years ago 2
yeah, i should not be awake... BUT WPXI is showing old LOST episodes... just found it and i will prob not sleep now... crap.
pghrugbyangel gives
16 years ago 7
you Baby Shower Mania (pt. 1) in blog form:
pghrugbyangel says
16 years ago
at some point tonight, i'll be posting pictures of my baby shower gifts. and some of the decorations @ the shower! Yay!!