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male Vadodara, India
We are the manufacturer of liquid bag for salad dressing oil, sports drink packaging alcoholic drink mayonnaise packaging. Our liquid bags is used for liquid packaging and used in machines. Our packaging machine is used for pouch packaging liquid fil
peterson0 is
11 years ago
تغليف السودانىتغلي... اكياس تغليف المكسرات, الفواكة و الخضروات المجففة و مواصفاتها
peterson0 is
11 years ago
Grain Packaging Grain packaging, flour packaging bags, rice packaging, Oats packa... The market for grain packaging is fast growing; the correct packaging is needed to accommodate
peterson0 is
11 years ago
custom plastic bags Pharmaceutical packaging, medical supplies packaging, sanitary pr... The use of pharmaceutical packaging can be crucial in the transportation of pharmaceutical products
peterson0 is
11 years ago
frozen food packaging Chicken bags, ready to eat packaging, frozen food packaging The chicken bag packaging is commonly used to package poultry but we produce chicken bags
peterson0 is
11 years ago
emballages de sel de mer fumé emballages de sel, sel de table, emballages de sel de bain, embal... Nous fabriquons des emballages de sel en plastique et en papier kraft pour le conditionnement du sel et ...
peterson0 is
11 years ago
profil fermeture zip fermeture zip, sachet avec zip, mini sachet refermable Hormis nos emballages flexibles..
peterson0 is
11 years ago
Liquid Packaging Liquid packaging bags, Salad dressing packaging, Wine packaging B...
The market for liquid substances is fast growing; the correct packaging is needed to accommodate
peterson0 is
11 years ago
Confectionery Packaging Confectionery packaging, Chocolate pouches, lollipop packaging, c... The use of Swiss Pac’s flexible packaging does not only provide convenience in transportation.
peterson0 is
11 years ago
bird seed packaging Pet food packaging, cat food packaging, dog food packaging Pet food packagings at Swiss Pac are produced to meet the requirements of goods being distributed.
peterson0 is
11 years ago
plastic pouch with zipper Zippers, plastic pouch with zipper, re sealable zipper Materials such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) are used to manufacture