105Friends 13Fans
female Makati, Philippines
a daydreamer
a loyal friend
a listener
just be my friend and you'll know... :-)
peonypink says
12 years ago
Good night! :-)
peonypink says
12 years ago
Thought for the day:"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
peonypink says
12 years ago
Yey, it's Wednesday.... :-)
peonypink says
12 years ago 1
Good night! deplurk... :-)
peonypink says
12 years ago 1
one of the principles of teaching: "Begin with the end in mind" = GOAL
peonypink says
12 years ago
excited for my my Saturday classes...sana Sabado na.. ;-)
peonypink says
12 years ago
"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery"- Mark van Doren
peonypink says
12 years ago
It' Monday..good vibes.... :-)
peonypink says
12 years ago 1
good night! happy weekend! :-)
peonypink says
12 years ago 1
"Never allow someone to be your priority while you're just their option." - Unknown