28Friends 27Fans
female Penang, Malaysia
peiying10 says
15 years ago 8
peiying10 wonders
15 years ago 4
what to do?
peiying10 says
15 years ago 4
FED WON!!! :-D
peiying10 is
15 years ago
watching the final set
peiying10 says
15 years ago 1
honeystars don't taste as nice anymore
peiying10 is
15 years ago
a lil tired. No nap today.
peiying10 has
15 years ago 9
to buy groceries later
peiying10 is
15 years ago
going to eat spaghetti. :-D
peiying10 says
15 years ago
the songs on the radio channels today aren't nice
peiying10 hates
15 years ago
those ppl on the bikes that are issuing stupid irrelevant fines. I didn't do anything wrong!