James Huang野哪裡去了?我都這麼久沒上來了、居然都沒有他的撲!
"DARE TO Dream" such a cliche!!
to do jigsaw puzzles!! There were some Snoopy over-2000-piece puzzles in Renoirpuzzle.... but I can't find any of them now...
the monsoon in AZ. Walking in the rain is the most romantic thing here.
to see the Perseid meteor shower!!
今天二樓冷氣壞掉, 我差點在家裡中暑, 太可怕了!! 110度高溫, 屋子跟烤箱一樣!
taking defensive driving course... damn it!
went to New Mexico last weekend. There was a lot of fun. Unfortunately it's not allowed to take any pic in San Felipe.