44Friends 9Fans
female Singapore

Peishhhhi says
14 years ago 2
only slept so little hour on Friday and Saturday, I'm so so tired today. (:
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago 2
morning. I'm tired.
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago
bye people.
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago 2
will only come back on Sunday. So I bet my karma will dropped. But I'm so okay with it :-D lol.
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago
will be going straight to Msia after my tuition, eh, no. I will come back to take my things and go to find my aunt.
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago 2
I think I better start studying my tests now, I'm going to off computer now. bye.
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago 2
and... no lunch for me. lol.
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago
and I haven't packed finished my things for the Msia trip later! Okay, everything seems so rush today.
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago
has wasted so much time, I haven't study my tests and done my homework for tuition later! *sigh*
Peishhhhi says
14 years ago 8
like finally... waited for more than 1hr just to withdraw money!!