2Friends 10Fans
female Singapore
PEIYI (Yourmother.)
Studying in holy innocent's high school.
Class 1Joy'OhNine.
Breaking Thirdteen.
08 January is my day.
Love Couple to th max.

Judge me i'll prove you wrong.

73494 says
15 years ago
I wanted him
73494 says
15 years ago
Whr did i go wrong?
73494 says
15 years ago
Or did i do something wrong ?
73494 says
15 years ago
What have i done to hurt him
73494 says
15 years ago
Why 48626 won't accept me?!?!?! _|_
73494 hopes
15 years ago
Kazua would contact me when he comes back. (:
73494 says
15 years ago
73494 says
15 years ago
Later gonna chat with Brandon and Babyprecious till tml! :-)
73494 says
15 years ago
She shall not sleep until tml! (:
15 years ago
I hate him , but at th same time , Ilove him..