333Friends 226Fans
male Brantford, ON, Canada
paulthe says
12 years ago 1
lunch meeting cancelled. I really should check my email.
paulthe says
12 years ago
with the new year just around the corner, we shall soon say 'goodbye' to 2011. I for one, am glad to see it go.
paulthe says
12 years ago
it's friday, friday, the start of another glorious weekend.
paulthe says
12 years ago
Back from the gym now heading out to shovel some snow .
paulthe says
13 years ago 3
good morning all. spending part of the day at work. doing some statistics.
paulthe says
13 years ago
Sitting outside enjoying the sun.
paulthe says
13 years ago
Hey all. Back from spending Christmas with family.
paulthe shares
13 years ago
Rachel and Kathy watching Dr. Who
paulthe says
13 years ago 4
Good morning all. Busy day today. Also only two more sleeps.
paulthe says
13 years ago
gift purchasing almost complete. just a few more gift cards to buy.