34Friends 33Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
I wish my #Kindle could just talk to my #GoodReads account and let it know what I am reading and how far I am!
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
Does anyone else think the main farmer in Little Red Tractor on CeeBeeBees looks like Mark Zuckerberg? Uncanny.
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
My wife is Super Mom, sorting out 1 sick child, getting the other her shots, buying lunch and playing taxi to her brother. In 1 day!
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
Evernote for Students: The Ultimate Research Tool
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
How to make work-life balance work: Nigel Marsh on
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
I don't know why I don't use Skype more often. Do you use Skype daily or only when you remember you have it?
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
The knees on my jeans are all wearing through. Think I am spending far too much time on my knees!
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
Why do you vote for your preferred political party? Are you engaged and passionate or do you do it for superficial reasons? #elections
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
The days of only having a corporate website is gone » point of conversion
pauljacobson says
14 years ago
I feel like our friends & family are in two groups: those connected via Facebook/Twitter and The Disconnected.