141Friends 212Fans
male The Colony, TX, United States
I'm happily married with two kids, two dogs, a fish and a frog. My wife teaches science and I write for a living.

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I love to read and I love to travel.
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
I've been off caffeine for 5 months.
pauldwatson says
12 years ago 1
This morning has been pretty horrible so far: bad dreams, disobedient kids, difficult workout. Hope the rest of the day is better.
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
Finished working on GSPRushFit Balance and Agility. Time to head to the pool!
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
Great workout this morning! GSPRushfit Fight Conditioning followed by Tae Kwan Do Combo and Cardio Drill.
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
"Good morning, Abs and Core! You didn't think you'd have an easy Monday, did you?" GSPRushFit Abs and Core Conditioning.
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
UFC 46 had an incredible card!
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
Watching GeorgesStPierre 's first UFC fight against Karo Perisian - UFC 46. Awesome fight!
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
Tried out a new Tae Kwan Do exercise routine I developed. Very nice. Will allow me to work on form, strength, and cardio.
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
It may not look difficult, but the GSPRushFit Balance and Agility workout will kick your butt!
pauldwatson says
12 years ago
Heading home. Keturah is ok. Slight elbow dislocation. Dr fixed it. She is already using the arm better.