139Friends 163Fans
male Marikina, Philippines
The poetic drummer, as he calls himself, is a lad who knows who he is in the sight of his maker and strives to move further up and further in to ultimately live his purpose. He lives by the principle: definitions are for the definers, not the defined
14 years ago 2
used to get Lego, Beyblade, Ultraman, Pogs and Power Rangers for Christmas. What happened? :-(
iPod is
14 years ago
craving for REAL FroYo. White Hat isn't. (annoyed)
14 years ago
Snow Patrol (music)
iPod will
14 years ago 23
have the (headspin) in no time! :-D
14 years ago
enjoyed meeting the Singles (Joyce's HS friends). Hahaha. :-D
iPod says
14 years ago
he saw Easy A before it got popular in the Philippines. (annoyed)
iPod is
14 years ago 2
(dance) (dance) (dance) THIS MADE MY NIGHT!
iPod is
14 years ago
trying to enjoy his Double Cheese and Twister Fries. McDelivery buti ka pa.
iPod wants
14 years ago 3
to run away from this (bad word) situation. I want to die. Seriously.
iPod is
14 years ago
tired offering help and showing concern to people who never seem to appreciate anything other than their own.