80Friends 93Fans
male Subic, Philippines
Developer. Belief. Empathy. Positivity. Responsibility. (C.3.23)
3 years ago
In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive - Jordan Peterson
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Sports cards notes Part 2:
- Don't get overexposed financially.
- Invest in cards without going overboard and enjoy it with people who loves it.
- Do it in a way that you can decide your level of risk.
- Research is the fun part.
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Sports cards notes Part 1:
- When there is high supply and demand it changes the dynamic.
- Be conservative with classics and have little fun with prospects.
- Be self-aware.
3 years ago
Sports cards helps you enjoy sports more. - GaryVee
3 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
On March 30th, I tested Covid+ and after a few days, my wife had it as well. We thank God for watching over us. Now we are healed!
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Art is the expression of the artist's overflowing soul - Hans Hoffman
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
5. 'Empathy' is the ability to understand and care about what other people are thinking and feeling.

6. 'Integrity' the ability to control your short term temptations, your impulses, and make decisions for the benefit of others, other than yourself.

3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
3. 'Humility' is the ability to be aware of your limitations, not automatically underestimate others and overestimate yourself.

4. 'Resilience' the ability to cultivate emotional stability, the muscles of mental toughness.
3 years ago
Key traits that leaders need to have to manage a crisis?

1. 'Intelligence' is the ability to learn quickly, reason abstractly, and make rational data-driven decisions.

2. 'Intellectual Curiosity' is the ability to have high levels of learnability, experiencing a sense of discomfort when you know that you don't know something.
3 years ago
Compartmentalization - We have different parts of our life that has different feelings and outcome.