13Friends 9Fans
male Lake Geneva, WI, United States
be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!
passlake is
15 years ago 5
wondering how I can have less time to plurk when I'm unemployed than I did when I was working 60 hours a week.
passlake is
15 years ago 1
down to 33 karma. Can you say "disincentive"? Meantime, here's some happy:
passlake is
15 years ago 1
updating linkedin and facebook--any of y'all want connecting?
passlake is
15 years ago 8
fighting off depression, boredom, and cabin fever.
passlake is
15 years ago 3
sad that his wife and dearest friend is sick, but very happy he is home and can nurse her back to health!
passlake is
15 years ago 3
finally, gloriously free. Now gotta suss out what's next. Again.
passlake says
15 years ago 1
douche. When did calling someone a "shower" become offensive? And why do nuns get so angry when you call them that?
passlake is
15 years ago 1
still at the office. Let the beatdown commence!
passlake says
15 years ago 7
passlake says
15 years ago 1
well, you can call it a statue if you want, but I prefer "The Octagon".