25Friends 19Fans
female VA, United States
I've been 'brow beaten' ;-) into taking off my faux elderly age. I've always felt that it doesn't matter if you're old, young, male. female when online. Screwed - figuratively - on gender as that's required.
Passap says
14 years ago 3
I'm posting on my new MacBook Pro. Yay!!
14 years ago 5
"Rebook, rebuild, reclaim" from the Tea Partiers. Give me a break. We are rebuilding and reclaiming after 8 long yrs under GWB.
Passap says
14 years ago 2
good morning! TGIF!! (dance)
Passap says
14 years ago 3
beautiful day.
Passap says
14 years ago 4
good morning!
Passap says
14 years ago 5
okay, i'm hitting MAAR. Please let me know what I missed - cause I'm that special. ;-) (LOL)
Passap says
14 years ago 5
good morning!! I'm all sneezes this morning - that sort of cough sneeze. Lovely!! ;-)
Passap says
14 years ago
it's a busy day!
Passap says
14 years ago 2
it's absolutely gorgeous outside. Had a great walk, pollen and all. :-P :-)
14 years ago 4