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male Hsinchu, Taiwan
I had a dream. A dream you might also have................
11 years ago
今天仔細地推敲董事長說過的" the best is yet to come for tsmc", 我深深覺得對每一人而言, the best is always yet to come.............
Parson 期待
11 years ago
開發一個普世通用的數位智能平台, 可作程式交易, 亦可預測20, 16 nm良率, 還可增進風險控管能力....人類幸福, 多麼美好........有夢最美
Parson 分享
11 years ago
我常在想一個人若悟得聖杯, 賺了數百億美金, 當面對自然法則, 無常大千 ,大概也只能徒呼負負吧! 一切有為法, 果如夢幻泡影...........
Parson 正在
11 years ago
為2013 strategic trading 萬歲
Parson 正在
11 years ago
Jim simons---Do something different, collaborate with top tier, be patient & good luck
Parson 正在
11 years ago
curious about 李政霖