Mike Nally
89Friends 106Fans
male Palm Coast, FL, United States
Husband - Father - Cook - Dreamer - Photographer - Disney World lover - Long suffering Detroit Lions fan
Mike Nally
14 years ago
Heading back home after another long day on the road.
Mike Nally
14 years ago 1
ya'll still here?
Mike Nally says
16 years ago 1
this is officially a drive-by Plurk.
Mike Nally says
16 years ago 3
I miss Plurk...
Mike Nally is
16 years ago
in a constant battle for the TV with the little one. I'm winning yet pretty sure I'm losing too.
Mike Nally says
16 years ago 1
and so it ends... 0-16. Worse NFL team ever. Still a dedicated fan though. It's a sickness really. Go Lions!
Mike Nally thinks
16 years ago 1
every weekend should be four days long!
Mike Nally says
16 years ago 2
Merry Christmas to all. Plurk you after the holiday. Peace.
Mike Nally
16 years ago
I know that my gift of a barrel of of oil seems sort of cheap now but when I bought it the value was much higher... Merry Christmas
Mike Nally is
16 years ago
running out of time to find the Christmas spirit...