17Friends 17Fans
female Philippines
hi! my name is paola :] im 16 years old and is currently studying at the University of the Philippines - Diliman Campus, BS Materials Engineering. I am interested in books, kpop, jpop, animes and mangas. I am one of those many people who loves to ent
paoieee says
14 years ago
i should be studying math 54 right nao. tsk.
paoieee says
14 years ago
Slooooow internet SUCKS. :|
paoieee says
14 years ago
yey! sunday tomorrow. let's all go to church mkay? :-)
paoieee says
14 years ago
im already sleepy. >.< but i want to finish studying math 54 tonight so yeah. no sleep for me yet :-( :-&
paoieee says
14 years ago
Woah. Like karma up. HAHA. Is studying Math 54. God bless me. :-))
paoieee says
14 years ago
gawd. i have an assignment on philo 1 but here i am, STALKING. tsk tsk.
paoieee says
14 years ago
im already like 1 year here on plurk and i still dont get how the karma thing works. errr.
paoieee says
14 years ago
karma up!
paoieee says
14 years ago
hello plurk. HAHA. was stalking someone at plurk kanina so i decided to log in. xD
paoieee says
15 years ago
like i havent been here for ages :-))