ахахаа, Том Фелтон поёт, ахаахахахаа! Я лучше пою XDD
too sleepy. It even starts to worry me. :S
sings: "...te envío poemas de mi puño y leetra, te envío canciones de 4.40..." aww love this song! and that boy who sang it at the concert..
been to her ferst English class! Yay for new people!
auauwaaaaaa! This is because I really don't know what to think. T_T
how the heeelll am I supposed to study catalaaaan? :///
a showersinger. Wonder if it'll develop to something more.
ayeee, I've got Vienna Teng's new album!!! "Inland Territory" - at least something new to hear! But that will be tomorrow.
screams: YAY FOR THE NEW SOOOONG! Aiba's dorama theme song will be sung by Arashi!!! And the name, well, "My Girl")