11Friends 5Fans
male Iloilo, Philippines
I like nonsense, it wakes up my brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the
wrong end of a telescope and that enables us to laugh at life's realities.braggart is a No No here!!!
pakkeroader is
15 years ago 1
good morning plurker's..Insomia :-&
pakkeroader is
15 years ago
good night plurker's!!! :-))
pakkeroader is
15 years ago
I'm so tired!!! :-&
pakkeroader is
15 years ago
hey plurkers.. whats up?.. :-D
pakkeroader is
15 years ago
nobody.. :'-(
pakkeroader is
15 years ago
who's still up plurks? can't sleep.. :-&
pakkeroader is
15 years ago 1
waaaahh.. can't sleep.. X-(
pakkeroader is
15 years ago
who's still up!!!!? :'-(
pakkeroader is
15 years ago
waaahh..insomia... :-&
pakkeroader is
15 years ago
hey plurkers... who wants to make friends with me.. :-D