19Friends 93Fans
male Atlanta, GA, United States
Standard Nerd. Pagemasterjim on just about everything. If you are here, odds are good it is probably because we already know each other.
9 years ago 11
Why thank you, government, for thinking I owe the Department of Labor something, and giving them almost all of my tax return.
9 years ago 8
Oh yeah, now that I am at my work computer with its giant screen, this new Plurk design is even worse. :|
9 years ago 8
What the hell?! An actual update to Plurk?
9 years ago 7
Sends email in December, twice, to entire company. "Your accounts are expiring soon, here is how you reset your password!" Today: non-stop calls from 8am My account is locked. Fix it.
9 years ago
Well, at least Plurk is giving me a snow day.
9 years ago
And so it begins. First real week of work since before Thanksgiving. I have not been in the office for a full week for some time. This place was empty for December. Now, the January Sprint begins!
9 years ago
Next Step in Adulthood: Starting Jan. 1, I will have an HSA. I have passed on them the last few years of having coverage, but I think it is time to start that investment in myself.
9 years ago 1
I will be posting this either today or tomorrow morning, but here is my write-up of the new exhibits at the Center for Puppetry Arts.
Crispy 分享
9 years ago
My favorite photo from today. It made me cry as I was taking it. Giving you all a sneak before I post it elsewhere.