22Friends 42Fans
female Wausau, WI, United States
In less than 250 characters? Well...i'm Awesomalicious!
Theresa asks
16 years ago 3
is there an Olive Garden in Point?
Theresa thinks
16 years ago 1
trying to schedule a meeting & get a room for 8 people plus a group from a vendor is IMPOSSIBILE!
Theresa is
16 years ago 1
watching Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Not Disney's finest moment.
Theresa says
16 years ago
Michael Phelps interview on in the morning. Does anyone even care about what he did anymore?
Theresa says
16 years ago
so much for George Clooney not making an appearance on ER. He's such a big fat liar!
Theresa wonders
16 years ago 3
if Kanye West could have sucked anymore?
Theresa says
16 years ago 3
Olivia wanted to help make the meatballs. I told her to wash her hands. She asked "why?".
Theresa shares
16 years ago 1 I just submitted my hillbilly entertainment system to failblog! :-D
Theresa hates
16 years ago 8
Plurk lately! I'm giving Twitter a try. You can follow me at orkmommy
Theresa says
16 years ago
Neil Patrick Harris on Sesame Street with Elmo...HILARIOUS!!!!