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male Irákleio, Greece
Lost in Crete!
oriste says
12 years ago
Just discovered I had a ping.fm account. Now, what was that for again?
oriste says
14 years ago
Looks like Twitter is down. Again. Curious what reason they'll come up with this time. Let's blame it on Greece ;-)
15 years ago
Before the day is over, my attempt to avoid incurring the eternal wrath of the Olympic gods: happy name day Zeus! Χρόνια πολλά και καλά!
15 years ago
Lendas, south of Crete, at 6:30 in the morning 31 degrees celcius in the sun, 28 degrees in the shadow
15 years ago
A very funny and VERY talkative 12 months old baby. I'd hate to be on HER wrong side when she grows up. is.gd/XtM9
15 years ago
Yay! My marriage certificate from Bilzen, Belgium, just arrived, in 10 languages, including Greek! Public Service, what a concept!
15 years ago
The website of ΚΕΠ states that the local ΚΕΠ office issues residence certificates (βεβαίωση έγγραφης). The local ΚΕΠ in Iraklio doesn't.
15 years ago
is wondering why the Aliens Bureau of the Greek police wants 5 (five) passport photo's. Not 2, not 4, but 5. Nobody makes a set of 5 photos.
15 years ago
My brain gets in the way when trying to speak Greek. Slow stupid brain, leave me alone.
15 years ago
It is a rare person [...] who is naturally inclined to sit still for 17 years in school, and then indefinitely at work. is.gd/IPWi