36Friends 15Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
I like musicals and Nutella and fangirling. I'm a Hufflepuff and a Hanover. (But Jules is my spirit animal). Times Square is my mecca. If I could eat dinner with anyone, living or dead, it would be Darren Criss.
12 years ago 3
So I know I'm a nasty deserter who hasn't been on in almost four months. And I'm sorry. But it's probably going to keep happening. It doesn't mean I don't love you guys.
12 years ago 6
Hey guys! I've been gone for the past few weeks. Can you catch me up on what I missed? (Besides you (heart))
12 years ago 2
I relate more to fictional characters than my irl friends. This might be bad...
12 years ago
But NPH is so perfect. I don't understand.
12 years ago 1
Whoops it's 5:35 AM and I'm still up doing homework that I left off until tonight even though I had more than a week to do it. headdesk
12 years ago
I really liked Spring Break. I'm so not ready to go back to classes tomorrow.
12 years ago 2
Yesterday I was talking to my mom about who should play Finnick, and she suggested Channing Tatum. And didn't understand why I freaked out.
12 years ago 18
What have I missed?
12 years ago 4
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around for a while. My parents just told me we're moving, and I've had to help with that all break so far. :-(
12 years ago
Spring Break whoo!! ...But being home is actually pretty weird.