sudah 2 hari kurang tidur..karena membaca "Soe Hok-gie..sekali lagi" yeeeyyy!!!!!
bos: kamu tugas mudah aja ga bisa, gmana sih? gw:hmm..bapak juga ngasih perintah beda2 tiap revisi,kita kan bukan lgi bikin film. bos: apa?!
sang pemimpi membuat sayah ingin bermimpi lagi..hidup Arai!!!!
long weekend membuat senin menjadi semakin menyebalkan
its already 1 year and a week since that day...
cant stop eating those cookies AAARRRGGHHH!!!!
time to stop eating cookies and start gain some weight now hahahaha
do what you love, love what you do cause life is all about passion
Try to enjoy this boys nite out(or thugs nite out?)
for peace anti Corruption strike. i believe in every Indonesians heart,none of them want the 98's riot happen again ever.