Rude Party Elsa
6Friends 2Fans
male Athens, OH, United States
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago 14
I hate revisions.
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago
Watches Elsa's inbox and waits.
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago
Crunch time on HH app. Remind me not to let so much crunch happen in a few days for BNW.
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago 12
[Meme] RP insecurities more like [awkward shuffling silence.]
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago 2
That awkward moment when you reserve a character, and then see somebody has been test driving them but hadn't reserved.
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago
Time to work on apps. Might get both done tonight.
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago 1
One of my favorite not-actually-important-but-kind-of-really-cool differences between tumblr and dreamwidth is availability of journalnames.
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago 7
A 'to-do' plurk.
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago
Alright. I made a stupid amount of progress on my tapletop FE after planning on sleeping two hours ago; now it's time for bed.
Rude Party Elsa
10 years ago 5
3:30 AM is the correct time to begin designing a Fire Emblem tabletop, right?