so out of curiosity today I looked up the sheet music for the 1812 overture and the cannons are only listed as fff loud....
Nice job Packers, now I'll have to deal with smug Seahawks fans for two weeks.
so I'm nearing the end of A Dance for Dragons. Man is the body count piling up!
So, is this sudden drop in oil prices a conspiracy by conservatives to kill sustainable energy or a conspiracy by liberals to kill fracking?
Starting to think I should travel further just to avoid walmart. Just once I'd like to spend less time in line than shopping.
Rainy day and seems I'm one of very few students on campus with an umbrella.
Hates whoever thought it would be a great idea to use seats the size of an airplane in a lecture hall.
"Please don't talk in my class, you might disturb people sleeping" I think I might like this professor.
Back to school tomorrow, having mixed feelings.