13Friends 239Fans
female Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Anna is a spotted wildcat native to South America. She hates the cold and filling out online about me spots.
9 years ago
theatrical, storytelling bellydance? YES. Good vs evil, with the element of Justice representing neutrality as an angel and a demon vie for control of a human soul. WBDSS 2015: Starfire Bellydance Collective
ocelott 分享
9 years ago 3

Another weekend, another show.
9 years ago 12
show photos from last weekend are in!
ocelott 分享
9 years ago 5

So that happened.
9 years ago 6
headed for North Dakota tomorrow, because I know how to party. Woo!
9 years ago 5
Some of you will be amused to hear my older 2 kids started playing KotOR today. My favourite moment was during the tutorial, when Trask came onscreen, and the oldest said "Oh yeah, there's Mom's favourite guy."
9 years ago
Pretty sure we have enough snow now, thanks.
9 years ago 2
so legit tip for anyone looking for a bit of extra cash: online music reviews. It's not super fast cash, but adds up and pays via paypal, so an easy way to pick up an extra few bucks without putting on pants.
ocelott 分享
10 years ago 1
gravity has no effect on me!
10 years ago 5
wins at Christmas by making someone cry when they opened their present.